Recent Activities and Interests Aligned to Philanthropy and Innovative Business Models Gain Attention at Bio-Investigations Ltd.
8 February 2016: Bio-Investigations Ltd. took some time at the 2015 year-end Holidays to close out the year recognizing the needs of three organizations, and to broaden its footprint in 2016 to include interests in businesses addressing innovative business models, potentially beyond those protected by proprietary intellectual property. What prompted some of this evolution in thinking was viewing some of the videos and debates held by the presidential candidates, addressing global concerns that extend beyond the discoveries in the health care field. While Bio-Investigations Ltd. has always had as its’ focal area the health care field including biotechnology and pharmaceutical innovation, what particularly caught our attention was a recent YouTube video ( thanks to William Rosenberg for bringing this video to our attention, and to Jonathan Rosenberg for his critical analysis and insights ) done by Bernie Sanders, effectively addressing health care, yet concomitantly placing health care within a broader agenda. While Presidential candidate Sanders pointed out and alluded to many of the business and technical accomplishments made by the United States, he also took the opportunity to clarify — in essence — that if global focus by the world’s leading countries does not begin to appropriately prioritize global warming and alternative sources of energy, that the world in fact will not have the opportunity to benefit from extraordinary progress in the health care field, allowing for our multinationals to lead our third world countries out of significant poverty. Mr. Sanders provided critical attention to global warming and carbon emissions, and provided justification that if the world and its leading countries do not begin to truly accelerate their activity in sustainability and alternative energy sources, that we will essentially have failed future generations. Many of the causes supported by leading philanthropists outside of the health care field have now caught our attention as being of “time-sensitive” importance — equal to or possibly greater than biomedical discovery — and pivotal to global sustainability. While countries’ leading philanthropists, as well as major corporations, are capable of leading the way, there is an opportunity for progress at multiple levels.
One company that recently attracted our attention as making good progress in sustainability, with a philanthropic mission, is Innovative Diffusion LLC. They have developed a solar emergency kit that may provide electrification to small homes where electrification is needed. With AFRICAPHILANTHROPIES Inc. as their distribution partner already in place to bring this critical need to Togo, Africa, they have an interesting business model being advanced collectively by some bright entrepreneurs, with Benjamin Williams as CEO and David Oyanadel as CTO, at Innovative Diffusion, and Zata and Leonille Kadambaya at the helm within AFRICAPHILANTROPIES Inc., helping Africa by starting at a grass roots level. While countries and large corporations focus on the carbon footprint and reducing global warming by lowering carbon emissions, small exciting entrepreneurial organizations, such as Innovative Diffusion and AFRICAPHILANTHROPIES, may go a very long way to contributing toward global solutions to issues of enormous magnitude. Credit should also be given to the excellent educations received by the principals of these two Connecticut enterprises, both at The University of Connecticut and the Connecticut State University System, each of which clearly contributed in helping to shape the vision and skill set which allowed these four individuals to take on their very worthy tasks.
On a microcosm level Bio-Investigations Ltd. selected three organizations to support, in December 2015. They included the United States Marines Toys for Tots Program, which has always been a program that we have embraced over the years. In addition, this past year we offered support to the City of New Britain, CT, where Mayor Erin Stewart has made great progress on multiple fronts, and continues to do a wonderful job. Erin remains the youngest serving female mayor in the United States. Finally, closer to home, we supported the Town of Madison, CT Social Services, aligned in its collection with overflow support relegated to the Children’s Hospital at Yale New Haven Hospital, in New Haven, CT.
Stewart Rosenberg, owner of Bio-Investigations Ltd. for 29 years, celebrated by giving 29 toys to the Toys for Tots site at Spot-Lite Cleaners, located at 120 Bradley Road, Madison, CT.
Natalie Rosenberg, Vice-President of Administration, joins Stewart Rosenberg at the annual collection conducted within the Madison Police Department for residents supported by Madison Social Services, with an outreach and support in collections shared with the Children’s Hospital at neighboring Yale Medical Center, in New Haven, CT.
Central Connecticut State University provided a warm environment during traditionally cold winter New England days for collections of food and gifts, for the City of New Britain’s less fortunate population. Stewart Rosenberg takes the opportunity before giving a statistics lecture on linear regression and analysis of variance to his university students at CCSU to make a delivery to the collection site at Police Headquarters.
Vice-President of Administration Natalie Rosenberg takes time away from her corporate responsibilities to assume one of her “personal and individual” passions in life, to provide latch hook pillows to critically ill children at hospitals, and to deliver pillows to residents of nursing facilities. In September 2015 (left) Natalie conducts an inventory of Yale bound pillows before a Fall 2015 delivery, assuring each pillow has the most appropriate colorful and sanitary packaging; in December 2015 (right) Natalie makes a second annual visit to Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital where staff members eagerly await a renewed “supply” of comfort.